Friday 22 September 2017

My Mental Health update...

I've been away for so long trying to tame my mental health.As you probably know from Louises beautiful post last week, I haven't been doing to good... in fact I haven't been good at all for a while. My Anxiety is still really high but I feel a lot better. The past few weeks my anxiety left me in a place where I was feeling depressed and lacking confidence. I realised while trying to figure out the problem that I always trying to please other people.


Friday 15 September 2017

A message to my hero...

Everyone in their lives has someone that they look up to, someone who they think of a hero. For some people, this can be a celebrity, someone who they don’t know but surround themselves with their music, movies etc and we feel their influence that way. For me, I have a few heroes who I see on a regular basis, and they don’t even know that they are one. One of my heroes is my Best Friend.
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